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1.) Academy manager and client development

Job description

META Circularity, a strategic advisory on sustainable innovation and the circular economy seated in Ljubljana, Slovenia, is looking to integrate a new member into the core team in a key role of Academy manager focusing mainly on the development, positioning, marketing and fulfilment of training, capacity building and advisory services in the area of sustainable innovation, business model development and circular transformations.

About this role

The main objectives of the position are to:

  • develop META Circularity’s service platform CBA (
  • manage multiple clients/projects in sustainable innovation
  •  cooperate with EU research and innovation consortia

The person will work directly with clients managing different segments as well as with innovation partnerships, allowing for market development and international recognition of META Circularity and CBA, its professional capacity-building and service arm. In this role, the selected candidate will manage comprehensive initiatives of sustainable innovation, circularity and stakeholder engagement.

Verifiable experience in any of the fields comprising strategic communication, professional associations and event management, research and technology transfer, innovation-driven early-stage ventures or corporate innovation management and corporate transformations are an advantage.

Click here to read more about this position…

2.) Innovation project manager

Job description

META Circularity, a strategic advisory on sustainable innovation and the circular economy seated in Ljubljana, Slovenia, is looking to integrate a new member into the core team in a key role of Project manager focusing mainly on innovation communication and dissemination in the context of European framework projects and consortia.

About this role

We are looking for a motivated professional to participate in EU research and innovation projects and contribute to the growth of international clients and client consortia.

In this role, the selected candidate will contribute her or his expertise in comprehensive projects with a significant or prevalent competences in project results dissemination, communications, stakeholder engagement and innovation facilitation.

Any verifiable experience in journalism, innovation communications in public or corporate research & innovation contexts as well as client and stakeholder management are an advantage.

Click here to read more about this position…