The objective of this questionnaire is mapping of hydrogen ecosystem visionaries, technology owners and competence providers, who can decisively contribute to the evolution of a sustainable social and economic ecosystem in the North Adriatic, in particular in reference to the North Adriatic Hydrogen Valley (NAHV). It is foreseen that tech startups and SMEs participate at this mapping activity alongside with technology-intensive units of large firms, engaged in the evolution of the North Adriatic (Hydrogen) Ecosystem.
The questionnaire collects generalities from participating companies and continues by collecting more details about the objectives of the participants, in particular, related to the characteristics of the technologies and specific competencies, how the technologies may be implemented, and how they can be integrated into the Ecosystem.
All information collected by participants through the questionnaire* and otherwise , aspired Visionaries, by META Circularity will be used only in the context of the VISIONARIES SELECTION* and AWARD CONTEST*, what includes mapping, monitoring of progress of participating firms and technology developers, and for further engagement purposes.
Collected information will not be shared without further consent of the participating Visionary except for the uses foreseen, which specifically include:
- Visionaries Selection process, which may include a selection jury and evaluators; each of them signing a non-disclosure obligation;
- Visionaries Selection page sourcing information from Visionaries Selection Directory, where selected Visionaries will be listed with some selected information is to be shared in a standardised format. Each participant will be asked to confirm the information before it is published in the Visionaries Selection Directory.
Our Goal
The primary objective of this questionnaire is to gather valuable information about your business and its potential for involvement in the North Adriatic Hydrogen Ecosystem. We would like to understand your company’s goals and objectives as well as your proposed implementation of hydrogen technologies. Ultimately, this collaborative effort will foster innovation, facilitate meaningful partnerships, and establish a robust ecosystem within the North Adriatic Hydrogen Valley.
Why Participate?
In order to build a successful North Adriatic Hydrogene Ecosystem to overcome the perceived risks with the new clean energent we need visionary leadership, insight view of the talent, technologies and an oversight of customers. By participating you will help community and industry of the region better understand engines of innovation, support the nascent hydrogene driven industry and help develop end-uses for clean hydrogen in the three regional economies. Join us build the North Adriatic Hydrogene Ecosystem by helping engage stakeholders from industry, research, national and local governments, academia, finance to better understand the new green growth potentials. Become hydrogene Visionary leader, contributing to accelerate European green transition!
For Whom?
Whether you are a company directly involved in hydrogen production, a technology provider, an investor, or simply interested in the hydrogen sector, this questionnaire is for you. We welcome participation from all stakeholders who have a role to play in the development and implementation of hydrogen technologies in the North Adriatic Hydrogen Ecosystem.
Contact us for more: